Feng Shui
This is the ancient Chinese art of recognizing and optimizing energies. The knowledge of Feng Shui is mostly spread among Chinese people living abroad. They use Feng Shui particularly in business life.The group of about 60 million Chinese people living abroad represents one of the world’s most successful population. They dominate wide areas of Southeast Asia.

The various branches of Feng Shui such as the landscaping school, the compass school, Water Dragon Feng Shui, Golden Dragon Feng Shui, Hongkong Feng Shui, Flying Stars, spiritual Feng Shui and the Eight Life Situations are all incorporated in the Holistic Building Concepts concepts. Feng Shui Masters like Prof. Dr. Lim, Master Jang Tian Tzui, system by Sinsae Yoon and Master Ratchanon Ploentankum made their contribution by passing on their knowledge.